// This is your Prisma schema file, // learn more about it in the docs: https://pris.ly/d/prisma-schema // Looking for ways to speed up your queries, or scale easily with your serverless or edge functions? // Try Prisma Accelerate: https://pris.ly/cli/accelerate-init generator client { provider = "prisma-client-js" } datasource db { provider = "postgresql" url = env("DATABASE_URL") // при запуске с рабочего ноутбука // directUrl = env("DIRECT_URL") } model User { user_uuid String @id @default(uuid()) nick_name String @unique password String email String first_name String? middle_name String? last_name String? settings Json? pages_uuid Json? } model Page { user_uuid String page_uuid String @id @default(uuid()) page_title String page_icon String page_navigation_order String background_path String? @db.Text page_entities Json? } model Entity { entity_uuid String @id @default(uuid()) entity_order Int @default(autoincrement()) entity_type String title String? text String? @db.Text font_size String? paragraph_size String? text_position String? image_path String? @db.Text image_width Int? file_width Int? file_height Int? entity_position String? entity_title_position String? image_scale String? table_columns Json? table_data Json? } model Divider { entity_type String entity_uuid String @id @default(uuid()) entity_order Int divider_height Int? divider_type String? } model Paragraph { entity_type String entity_uuid String @id @default(uuid()) entity_order Int title String? text String? @db.Text font_size String? paragraph_size String? entity_position String? entity_title_position String? } model Image { entity_type String entity_uuid String @id @default(uuid()) entity_order Int image_path String? @db.Text image_url_initial String? image_width_initial Int file_width_initial Int file_height_initial Int image_width Int? file_width Int? file_height Int? image_scale String? title String? text String? @db.Text font_size String? paragraph_size String? entity_title_position String? text_position String? entity_position String? } // model Setting { // setting_uuid String @id @default(uuid()) // setting_name String @unique // setting_value String // }